Originally Posted by LostMy65
I think it was the way he set his insurance up for a value he set.
I think if you don't set your insurance up for what you want, they give you the going value
- not sure how that's decided, but you may very well only get $2100 if you haven't set your insurance up for more.
Maybe someone else can clarify, but I'm pretty positive you'd never get $15,000 unless you have it set up that way.
My insurance needs a apraisal and photos for any thing classed as antique, apraisal cost about 150 dollars for a good itemised with photos all puy together in a binder or disc. Well worth the money even if your insurance doesn't ask for it I think I would get one and send it to them to have on file. Don't forget to update it when you make changes cause we are never done building it seems.
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