Originally Posted by SS Tim
Natural daylight pictures are always the best. Often if I need to have a good archive picture I will shoot it with a common color reference like a soda can so anyone can match up the tone/shade really closely. So, yes some natural DSLR pictures would be great to have but you have illistrated the point with these pictures well.
Is the dark blue on the top of the dash still present? Might not be more than a line that was covered by the factory pad left though due to the reshoot.
Here are a few pics, well 10 maybe. The first round are point and shoot kodak 10mp and the second round 15mp cannon dslr. I tried to capture the difference on the top of the dash. I am not a photographer, that is my wifes camera. The top of the dash was never repainted and it is a shade darker behind the dash pad. There is a faint paint line and you can see the difference toward the front of where the dash pad would be. I also took some pics from behind where the gas tank was as it has been hidden for 45 yrs of the base interior color. The top of the dash is clearly darker than the face of the dash. So 2 different color of blue on the interior that are different than the exterior on the 4537AD paint code for 1967.