Source for a Hydraulic Brake Light Switch with an Inverted Flare thread?
Hey guys, with my Power Brake setup I cant get the floor mounted brake switch to turn off reliably, every other time i hit the brakes the lights stick on, and I'm sick of playing with it. I put a "T" inline with my front brakes and installed a random brake switch I found at a parts store that had the same threads (1/8" I think? - just the normal brake line/MC thread size), but it has a flat end at the end of the threads, and leaks brake fluid.
I would wrap in teflon but doesn't it get its ground from the threads?
If it doesn't then i guess that will solve my problem, otherwise does someone know of a hydraulic brake switch that can thread in and seat on the inverted flare fitting to seal the fluid in?
edit... the more i think of it I think the switch just opens/closes the circuit so I think using teflon tape will allow everything to work...