Well, last year a co-worker and friend bought a '66 Chevy truck that he is in the process of restoring. He loved my '58 project and started a project of his own. I think that he is on the forum here now. Anyway, we worked at the same fire house so he was always reading my Custom Classic Trucks Mags. For christmas I bought him a gift subscription to the magazine. Well, they took it upon themselves to charge my card again to re-up his subscription! That is all fine and good and easily resolvable. The problem is, that I keep a totally seperate bank account for "fun money". The bank account that I buy car parts, guns and what-not out of. When its empty, I don't buy anything, or I save up for parts in this account. Well, CCT mag decided to take money out that I didn't know was going to come out and they tried to pull it out when my "fun money" account was tapped (due to buying my paint for my '67 Pontiac). So, not only did they pull $18 out that was not authorized, I got hit with a $30 NSF fee!

So, they got me for $48 that I had to cover out of our personal account. Not enough to break us by any means, but wrong! So, they have been stringing me along for the past few weeks, making me fax proof that my account overdrafted and what not, and nothing! I feel pretty angry about it. I will not renew MY subscription now. Certainly will not renew my friends. I just thought that it was wrong! I have never had any magazine(and I subscribe to A LOT of mags!) automatically take money out of my account. I never signed up for automatic renewal. Anyway, I just thought that I would vent here. Watch out if you get a subscription from them! Make sure you have money to cover another a year later!!!