Who makes the best fitting bed sides?
I am looking at a 86 Shortbed 4x4 and the drivers rear bed side is dented in. I figure that is would just be better to replace the whole bed side rather than to try and fix what is there. It is dented in the body line crease. I don't want to have to pull it out and put in filler.
So who makes the best bed sides. My body guy said he can get some for about $3-400. I don't know what kind they are though. He said he can get bolt in or weld in.
On a second issue. I would want to get all the side moldings for all the way around the truck and also the Silverado bands that go on the back of the cab and wrap around. Where can I get these. Thanks.
On the trim I want all the trim that the blue truck has that the gray one don't.