Yeah alot of people that I think have issues with points are probably dealing with a worn out distributor (shaft bushings are a usual culprit) that cause innacurate dwell readings that need constant adjustment.
In reality, if the distributor is in good working order, you shouldn't have to touch them. I tend to check them about every 10-12,000 miles with a dwell meter and 99% of the time I don't have to adjust at all. I sometimes might remove them, file them and reinstall if I feel the need but that's about it. (A good set of solid points can be filed and re-used) Cheap points on the other hand, which most people would buy......
I have 3 cars here still running points that I drive frequently. My 70 formula still running the same points in it that I installed in 2006 on it's last tune up
Works perfectly. Other examples here that have went even longer.
Cheap, simple, and it works.