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Old 02-18-2013, 10:58 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Wild West AZ
Posts: 162
Re: Project "Booger"

Update: I decided this week I had to start some sort of reassembly since boogers parts were now occupying my garage, the shed, and a spare room in my house. So may pieces, bags, boxes, nuts, bolts and whatever else I was starting to feel like I was losing control

Operation Clear Space

One of the big things that was taking up space in my garage floor was the Motor and Trans. It was fun to sit and talk to your buddies about, all shiny on the floor but it either needed to become a coffee table with a clear glass top (hmmm..not a bad idea) or get situated in its new home. I really didnt want to put the motor back in quite this soon but I need that floor space. Here is a pic shortly after my brother and I dropped it in:

After I got the motor/trans in it was time to start hooking it back up. I installed the power steering pump, but when I got to the alternator I realized those tall vc's my wife likes so much are already starting to cause me an issue:

The alternator wont adjust far enough out so I've been shopping for an alternative. I've been looking at the Alan Grove Components brackets but I welcome anyones opinion on which way I should go.

I got the distributor dropped in, engine harness installed, trans cooler lines run, and the other fun things involved in doing a swap.

Ok lets see I freed up the space on the floor where the engine was, and remember my newly rebuilt/balanced drive shaft was laying someplace so I figured that would be the next thing to go on.

Went in the shed to see what I could get out of there and right in the door was a big white box from LMC with the exhaust I had ordered from them long ago. I dont know how many of you have installed this exhaust but for me it was a challenge. I dont know if it was the scotch, or the lousy directions (why even include them as they appear to be done by a 3 year old) but it took me about 2 hours of wiggling, tightening, loosening, swapping pipes, and wiggling some more before I realized I had the hangers in the wrong spot. After swapping the two hangers around everything kind of fell into place. Here is the finished product:

They seem a little long at the tailpipe but I'll wait till I have the bed back on to tighten everything down and cut as needed.

For some time now I had been delaying fixing the cb antenna hole in the roof mainly due to my being a little scared to start welding on the roof. I had practiced a bit on my old panels and I figured i was ready to give it a go. All I got was a before and after pic but you didnt need to see my crappy welds anyway..LOL Heres the before and after:

Did some other body work on other dents and wavy spots though out the cab and my son decided to come up for air from his video game and lend me a hand which made me very proud

He got the interior scuffed and almost ready for some paint. Some minor stuff remaining and we'll be shooting some primer.

Speaking of primer..When forum member oilyrag was over to pick up boogers old engine I had mentioned I was looking for some rally wheels and he said he'd be willing to swap the ones off of his brave or crazy project if I wanted since he wouldnt be using them and that he'd be willing to share his painting experience with me. Since I still had booger on jack stands now was the perfect time. I contacted him and my son and I threw boogers old shoes in the truck and headed to Tucson on Sunday morning.

All I have to say is the guy is brave for sure. That project he's working on is not for the timid. Oilyrag has more knowledge of these trucks than I'll probably ever have and he's a great guy to boot! We finished up our painting lesson, got our rims swapped, and we headed home hopefully leaving him enough time to get something done with his Sunday. Heres the rims:

Overall I managed to throw away 5 boxes, a bunch of ziplock bags, got a motor off my floor, got the truck that much closer to being on the road, and spent time with my son and another board member...It was a successful weekend!

Project Booger Build Thread
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