Disc Brake Conversion Done?
Well...I've finished my front axle conversion to disc brakes on my 69 C-10 p/u. I've bled the system and so far there aren't any leaks. But...there are a couple of things. I don't really get the nose diving performance from the discs up front that I thought I would. Also...the pedal sits about 5 1/4 inches above the floorboard which is normal height for this truck. When fully depressed it goes down to 3 1/4 inches above the floorboard. At that point it becomes very hard. While the system easily stops the truck...I don't think I can lock up the wheels. Should I be able to do that? Is this an adjustment issue on the power booster rod?
Also...this system has an MBM PV2 proportioning valve. I ran one line (1/4") to the rear and and 2 lines (3/16') to the front caliphers. Thinking I should get more dive on the nose under hard braking I researched this valve. Vendor I bought the valve from says there is no adjustment between back and front.
Anybody know anything different?