Originally Posted by SSABMUD
Guess I am not a good one to talk about shop safety after I peeled a foot of skin of my arm in a grinder accident. Then got a blood disease after not running to the doctor and almost losing that arm. Anyway, you are very lucky to have a buddy like Kabwe to help out. My buddies are so far away when I'm doing something, the FBI could not find them.
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You know that is a problem a lot of us have. It's great to have Kabwe to help me with my metal work but when I have engine or transmission building issues I have very few people to go to for help. Unfortunately some of the most helpful people have been those I have met online and there comes a time talking you through the situation on the phone won't help, they need to be right there in your garage, lol,

I aint trying to start no trouble but the other issue is when I call a tech line or parts house and a female answers the phone and tells me she can help me I say I don't think so. They ask me what my question is I tell them and then they say..... OHHH that's not what the catalog says or I better get a tech to help you. I know that's why I called. I can't tell you how many times I go to the Auto Zone or Pep Boys and I have to help them look up the parts on their own computer, or they let me go in the back and pull my own parts the parts off the shelf.