Originally Posted by mosesburb
One thing to keep in mind with the Oasis is the 180ish-200A draw for the lighter duty unit. If you are not mounting it close to the batteries the voltage drop alone will shorten the motor life dramatically. That's the reason I went with an Extreme Outback compresssor. 100% duty cycle and a whole lot less amp draw. Yes, it puts out less air too, but I'm not running air tools on a regular basis off of my truck so that's not a major concern.
Do you have room for a York?? Hell, Autoworld probably has a bolt-on bracket for it. Bang for the buck, it can't be beat. I did not have room or I'd have one on my truck. I was even trying to engineer a pto driven setup that used a York compressor to get it out of the engine compartment, but the time came that I needed OBA and I wasn't far enough along in the engineering process to make it a feasible option so I went electric. A York with a tank on it would allow you to get rid of your shop compressor. LOL.
I dont need a big compressor, initial fill will be my biggest issue. I dont plan on draining the tanks everytime I use the horns or suspension dump. Plus thats money away from my power mods.