04-03-2013, 08:04 PM
So,, what else you got???
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Jackson, Mo
Posts: 18,634
Misc. parts from a 68 C10
PRICES REDUCED.... Got a few parts left, needing them out of the way so I can buy more stuff for the Cheap Bastard truck. All prices are shipped. Thanks, Fred - Wiper motor from 68 C10.... $21.00 shipped. SOLD,,,, THANKS....
- LH door hinges with bolts.... SOLD,,,, THANKS.. shipped.
- Back up lamps w/ driver bullseye lenses.... $11.00 shipped..
Adding more stuff as we find it to this listing to try and cut down on the clutter on the boards. Thanks, Fred.....
Last edited by specialtyretail; 04-28-2013 at 05:55 PM.