Door latches... 60 Apache..
I have read for days on this topic and after all the time spent on these doors im out of options other than new latches..
My door fit is to my satisfaction at this point, under the pass side wing window I do stick out a tad although the rest lines up dandy so its something I am ok with. Hinge pins are tight.. strikers are NOS.. Most of the door gaps are just fine with the exception of under that wing window.
Without new seals I fit great of course with the play of not having seals.. I am adjusted such that after the second click I am as flush as it gets when I pull on the door, of course it will push in a tad as there are no seals in place. With seals in I cannot seem to get the second click, no amount of striker adjustment, door adjustment or anything seems to have any positive effect..
So I figure with all the money spent so far I am going to have to put out for new latches..I do not see that they will help as apparently its the seal issue so many people have yet the seals should not be totally at fault here.. I cannot get the second click even with a slam that is not good for the glass..
There are many latches out there forsale yet I am looking for who puts out the best.. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.