Bought a house with a shop! Every man's dream.

Anyway, now I gotta buy an air compressor. Too bad I don't know anything about em. Went to Home Depot, Lowes, and Sears. Those things are expensive! Even on craigslist everyone seems to want a lot for their air compressors. So here are my questions:
1. I saw a 6 gallon Hitachi pancake compressor at Home Depot for $189. It will do 135 PSI max, which is what I want. That way it can torque truck lug nuts just fine. However, a 6 gallon tank sounds small. Can I just sort of rig it up to fill up a 20 gallon tank, thus saving a lot of money? I'd like to rig it all up so that the little air compressor fills up both tanks, for a total of 26 gallons. Is there any reason I shouldn't do this?
2. Are there any air compressor brands to stay away from?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of oil-less compressors? I seem to be finding those things everywhere.