Timing and carb issues??
I have a 230 I6 in my 65. It has a brand new carburetor on it as well as new points, condenser, plugs, plug wires, fuel filter and fuel pump. It spits and sputters,coughs out both ends especially on take off. I know it's not a v8 but still seems under powered. I checked the dwell and it appears to be at about 34 "if I did it right". I put a timing light on it but Im not for sure where it suppose to be. I read that it should be 4* BTDC, I assume that the the zero mark on the front pulley should show up on the right side of the zero with the light on it??? Does each tick mark represent 2*? The timing mark tag is so short, should it ever be st outside the tab marks? Or should it ever be set to the left side of the 0 mark on the tab? A pic would help me figure this out with an approximate setting marked on it. I'm sorry this probably sounds like a dumb inquiry but Im more of a paint and body type of guy.
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