Thanks to Chad (69CCRat...I'm gonna blame it on you, at least to my wife

), I traded my BRAND NEW CPP front upper & Lower tubular control arms for a new pair of '67 SWB bedsides and front fenders for this truck. Bedsides were perfect and the fenders will be picked up Saturday. I really dig the '67 panels without the marker lights...may just be me?
Now I guess I am COMMITTED

to buying a touring PB dropmember, PB control arms & a fox mustang rack & pinion.... D@Mn D@mN d@MN!!!
Notice the PB rear notch and upper shock bar still in place on the frame. I've removed the tank, lines, and 2 rear most crossmembers in preparation for sandblasting. Anyone notice the GIANT open end wrench??? It was my wifes Grand Daddy's... He was a boilermaker and recently passed away. It weighs 1 Billion pounds, btw! I am trying to find someone with a CNC Mill that will engrave his last name into it (like a Craftsman wrench) for my wife. He was like my wife's father (her dad passed on at an early age).