Originally Posted by manimal
Unfortunately you can thank our govt for this.....we dont tax china for the imports,but we get taxed for our exports...same with japan. they build a 'quality' car for less than American built cars which in MOST cases are foreign crap anyway!
Our system is soooo backwards it's not funny....let "ILLEGALs" come to California and get FREE college tuition,FREE medical,housing allowances,not pay TAXES and NO ONE will stand up and do anything about it (for fear that some civil rights activist will file a law suit and some corrupt judge will be payed off anyway)....then they go around flying their countries flags! Kind of a slap in the face of AMERICANs if you ask me....another reason I am LEAVING CALI!
Werd. Texas isn't so bad, either. Our governor shot a coyote while jogging. If you process that, you know the 2nd amendment is pretty safe here. That, and out death row seems to have an express lane. Not sure if that is so much a crime deterrent, but it should be.