Dash, Hub Caps, 4 speed shifter
I am not sure where I got the dash so I do not know if it works 20 dollars plus shipping. It does have two of the copper tabs where the plug goes wrinkled but I think they will be fine I tried to take a picture of it. Hub caps where on my 16.5 camper specials and I think they will fit 16 inch but not 100 percent sure. They are DD at best 30 dollars plus shipping. 4 speed chrome shifter chrome is pretty nice may not be show quality but definitely a great DD will start at 75 shipped. I am going to list these on the blazer parts also so I will go by day and time for who said I will take it first. OFFERS
Shifter SOLD [/B]
Last edited by 1rippen6; 10-25-2015 at 06:31 PM.
Reason: adding offers