New to the board 78jimmy question
I bought a 78jimmy. All gauges other then fuel were working. Althought the lights behind them would only come one when I reached through the hole where the ac duct would be a carefully adjusted the bulb behind gauges which was very loose. There was a printed circuit on the back of the guages that has slowly gone to hell (tearing and peeling. Now, only the volt and fuel pressure work when the lights are off ther right blinkers makes all signals flash like a haZard lights, left signal works. and when they're on, only voltage works right blinker and flashers do nothing, no gauge lights or speedometer light now. Speedometer/tachometer are still working as they should. Emergency brake like stays on all the time. I can get a reaction from gauges and their lights by moving the torn parts of the printed circuit on back of gauges which leads me to believe that is my problem. How much of a pain is it to install a new circuit from lmc or somewhere else if y'all have a recommendation? It gives the option for with or without tach. Should I get the one with or without tachometer? Like a said speedo and tach are working fine which makes me wonder if they're are wired separately or the circuit just hasn't come apart on that part of the circuit. I'm horrible when it comes to electrical. Any and all help would be MUCH APPRECIATED....PICTURES ARE INCOURAGED.