Re: 55 TF Stretched Cab/Fleetside/LSx/Trailblazer Frame
Thanks for the kind words/encouragement BOMP. I am dying to get back in the garage, but I've been working in Dallas almost full time since January 27. This Friday I should be finished in Dallas until the last week of March/first week of April, so I'm hoping to be back in the garage in the evenings next week. On a really positive note, my son and I swapped vehicles last week, and I drove the 66 GTO we built from Memphis to Dallas this week. What a blast! I set the cruise at 78 and in 6th gear it was turning 2000 RPM. Averaged 22 mpg, and I still need to get the final tune on the engine. I can't say enough good about the LS engines. That ride makes me want to get this truck going A LOT SOONER.