So last night I was in the shop doing some tear down on the rear end and suspension getting ready for paint. I also did some finish welding on the bottom of the notch. Stuff I had told myself I would get to eventually, so last night I procrastinated no longer!
Funny thing was that we have had some actual rain in Lubbock recently (Gasp! I know right!!) So my 13 year old son came out to the shop to keep me company and talk my ear off (naturally while I am trying to weld!) And due to the rain we now have mosquito's and some flying ants. Well these guys just love bright lights! And every time I was using the welder my son was noticing how I was attracting an entire congregation of mosquito's and flying ants. They were not messing with me at all, but were just hanging around. So when I crawled out from under the truck there was a ton of these critter's crawling around. Most of them I helped out the door with my big shop broom, no rent check no stay! Man the things I put up with to build hot rods!!
Oh well it is a thousand times better than sitting on my rump watching ESPN!