Originally Posted by Rochlow
That was my dilema with painting my truck. Do I try to balance overtime and working on my truck (which would have taken 6-8 months, if not more) or do I work a bunch of overtime to pay a professional to do the work better and in a more timely fashion that I could.
After weighing a bunch of options, it was knuckle down and work some overtime, then let someone else paint it. Even after letting someone else do the paint and body, it took them a month. However, I'm pretty happy with the results. He still has a few pieces that he's painting, but atleast I have the truck itself back in my possession.
Unfortunately for me I don't have overtime in my job so there is no way to make more money. I also have a problem with letting my truck out of my hands and into someone else's

We will see what kind of price the painter throws at me, if I can afford it then I'll go for it but if not it will be back to me doing it. In the meantime I'm going to use my radiator cover as a test piece for spraying my torch red. It is the perfect size, if I screw it up then I can just throw it in the blast cabinet and blast the mistakes away.