5.3l 4l60e issues NEED HELP!
I started to have transmission issues (recently rebuild), late downshift almost coming to a stop. Now, it shuffles out of lock-up on 4th gear between 40-50mph. Took it to the transmission guy, and he replaced the valve body and solenoids, but to no avail. In addition to the transmission problems, I started getting p0171, and p0174. Long Trim is at 25%, even during idle. Short trim isolates between 0-6%. O2s isolate between .100 - 800. MAF is a bit erratic when I graph it on the actron reader. When I to read the hertz on the MAF, multimeter reads 0.00. reference voltage is 2.2 during idle. There is 12v going to the MAF, as well as good ground. I replaced the intake gasket, but the intake runners seem warped. I'll add it pictures. With new intake gaskets, the problem did not improve. Fuel pump read 52psi, jumps up to 60 when I disconnect the vacuum regulator. Replaced fuel filter.
Please take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think of the intake manifold. The intake runners have a dip near the bolt opening. All this is happening at the same time. I need your help!