Hey guys! I have a 46 build thread going on over on the "pre" side but it's kind of slow over there so I was hoping I could get some answers to my problem over here.
One of my inner rear cab wall supports is loose and I am not sure how to go about re-attaching it. The upper portion is still in place. By looks of the other 2 supports, it seems as if the bottom should just be held in place by some kind of seam sealer? Is this correct? Perhaps I should try and weld it to the sheet metal? That doesn't seem right does it?

Here's a pic of the other 2 the one closest to the drivers door has some kind of glue or tar behind it and is locked in place at the top by the cross support. At the bottom it looks as if it is held in place by seam sealer. The center one has nothing behind it.

What has me confused is none of these supports seem long enough at the bottom to even be embedded in the seam sealer. It looks as if they are sitting on top of the sealer. WTF? So I guess my question is how would you go about fastening the one support?