So project firewater (the 59 fleet side big window) is long underway. I have admired a bunch of builds here and I decided it was my time to post. I am a 20yo college student who holds a full time job also. Truthfully, I am grateful I am able to support quite a large budget all on my own and I am building this truck right and not taking shortcuts. Starting from day one back in April this is her:

Pretty good if you ask me. The guy I bought it from lives in a little town near Tishomingo, OK. He had recently gained custody of his son and priorities had materialized the truck which was good for me. This was a one family truck which when I heard the background and history I thought I was going to pay for it. If I remember correctly I paid $2700, which I feel is more than fair.
The only true body issue are the floorboards and the folded up portion of the bed that must have been hit by a tree stump or something. Otherwise everything else was great. Rough, but restorable. Originally a 6 cylinder the owner put in a 305 and I am upgrading beyond that, as you will see in later posts. So here we go, so long money....