I've been looking around for a cheap set of these stands to bolt my steel blocked ls motor into my 52 Chevy truck using corvette exhaust manifolds. The truck motor mounts wouldn't let the corvette exhaust bolt on.
I found the stands on Ebay but didn't bid and let them sell to someone else. Oops!
I think my new plan is to draw up a set and cut them from 1/4 steel on my torchmate table. Then weld the pieces together.
Anybody have a set they could give me some measurements from? I have an engine to get angles and engine side measurements from. What I will need vertical distance from the bottom flat where the rubber mount contacts up to the center of an engine mount bolt. Where the engine mount stud bolt is in relation to the holes in the engine block front to back. And how far the motor mount stud hole is from the engine block.