Originally Posted by Low Elco
Hrmmrm, I dunno. Maybe shorter mufflers?  Looks good! I dusted mine with a 50 grit roloc on a zip sander. Welded up good. Keep it up!
Originally Posted by 808_67C10
That is some good lookin exhaust! Better than the $600 job I had done on mine and I though that was good!
Keep da pics comin bro!
Thanks again guys! Shorter muffs, LMAO! Knuckles sounds a little reckless but really it's pretty b1tchin'. I'm hoping with the "muffs" out back, balance pipe and some cab insulation that it'll be just right.... We'll see.
Another lull in progress. Brake job and plugs on an '05 F150, bunch of other tickey-tack stuff on other projects, then I scored my new whip on Friday! Spent yesterday and today un-accessorizing and cleaning it up. '12 with 30k miles. Promise to get back on track with the build by this weekend. Got a few sheckles and will forge ahead.