New Driveline in my 68 K10
I am hoping that you all may have some insight, guidance, or references that I can look at, as I begin to lay out the project.
I have a 68 K10 that I have had since I was in high school, and have driven on and off for the last 15 years (although it spends more time in the garage now). I am finally in a position to start upgrading/restoring it, and was interested in doing a swap to a more modern drive train, basically taking the driveline guts (engine, trans, t-case) from a 03 or newer 1500.
My question revolves around maintaining the solid front and rear axles, and being able to obtain the proper driveline geometry, etc. I know that I could keep the stock trans/T-case, and just install the engine, but I am looking to turn the truck into a daily driver (drive-ability and fuel mileage comes to mind) and its also not something that I have seen done.
My other option is to find another 68-72 body and do a chassis swap with a newer style truck, and sell the truck I have now. But it would be hard to let go of.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. FYI this is all in the planning phase at this point, I am looking to set up for a winter project next year.