Lowering block questions.
I am in the process of dropping my 64 c-10. I still have stock drum suspension for now. I cut one coil off the front and but softer springs in the back. The front dropped nicely but the back not so much. I am not sure what the back are from, maybe a jeep or something (they were free). Anyway I am needing another 2' or so down in the back to level her out. I am wondering what the difference is between blocks for leaf springs suspensions and block for trailing arm suspension. I can find kits online for $25-$30 with bolts for leaf suspension and $70+ for trailing arm suspension. Can I use leaf lowering blocks and just shave the nipples off or is their something else different to why trailing arm blocks cost so much?
Also I have read about using steel post to make my own blocks, I am down with that but don't know were to get u-bolts, any ideas?
Thanks in advance.