Ignition switch question
Ok so the other day I go to start the truck so I can get the wife's 65 fury out of the garage so we can clean it up for my son graduation party this coming weekend. And guess what smoke rolled from under the dash of the 64 GMC. now I've done some looking and all I see is the switches with 5 prongs on the back mine only has 4 prongs. I know the 5th prong is a ground which I don't need. This it not a problem. But my question is the switch that LMC sells is that a 4 position switch? My switch is only a 3 position switch lock/run/start.
Does anybody know or used their switch or know where else to get one.
P.s. I robbed a switch out of my buddies nova same switch 5 prong 4 position lock/off/run/start.