Today I celebrated Father's Day by replacing the cab mounts on my truck. That project was pretty straight forward, though I do have some adjustments to make to the clutch linkage and a couple other minor things to make up for the fact that the cab sits a bit lower with the new mounts.
What I discovered during the disassembly process is that there was very little holding the nose of the truck to the frame. Both mounts have delaminated, and while the drivers side was held somewhat together by a through bolt, the only thing holding the passenger side mount on was the bolt through to the sheet metal.
What I'm discovering is, with these new cab mounts, those old nose mounts no longer line up, at least where the through bolts go. I assume the through bolts were a repair by the PO and now how they came from the factory.
All this typing and all these pictures lead to this question; what exactly should be in those mounts? The instructions for the cab mounts only mention counting and retaining shims, but the mounts themselves had some rather thick rubber bushings that no longer seem feasible with the new cab mounts.