Cargo Light Switch Install Question
Hello Everyone,
I am a new board member having decided to restore my father-in-laws 72 long bed fleet side truck. He bought it new and when he passed away my wife and her siblings decided that since I am a car guy, they wanted the truck to go to me. So it is at the paint shop now and I will have the paint shop cut the metal for the cargo light and the switch before it gets painted. I found the thread detailing laying out the cutout for the cargo light itself but I can't find any details on the switch. Is it just a rectangular cutout with the face plate holding it in place? If anyone has a pic of the hole for the switch or details on how it installs I would greatly appreciate it!
I look forward to getting it back so I can get the windows and new rubber installed so it is waterproofed before the end of summer. Then I can take the winter to get it ready for cruising next summer! Thank you!