!972 K20 with 5.9 Cummins Diesel and factory tach cluster
Hi guys,
I am a first time poster, but have searched and found most info I needed by using search function.
I am the 3rd or 4th owner of a 1972 Chevy K20 pickup that has been modified and chopped up by all previous owners. I purchased the truck with the expressed purpose of putting a Cummins 12 Valve diesel in it. Speedo, oil pressure, water temp, and voltmeter all work with the Cummins, now I am looking to tackle the tach. It is a factory tach, and looks original. It worked with the V8 that I pulled, but diesels don't have the traditional coil to hook up the tach wiring.
My question is: Can I use a tach sending unit that is available from Summit and mount it to read off the crank shaft? I know the tach has a ground, 12v, and wire for a coil. Not sure if this tach needs a special power or signal input