Soft top on highway?
Hey guys, I'm about to trailer up my '70 K5 and pull it about 450 miles out to West Texas for Memorial Day weekend and I'm a little curious about how people normally prepare (if at all) their Blazers for towing when they have a soft top. I've never driven the truck faster than about 60mph and only for a short distance and so my concern is whether or not the softopper top will stretch out or if I run the risk of the snaps along the header all coming loose or something. I thought I could maybe just temporarily put a strip of duct tape across the header in true redneck fashion to keep wind from getting under it and I'm not above doing that but I'm sure someone here has more experience than me since I've never trailered it more than a short in-town distance. I have the hard top but don't ever plan on putting that behemoth back on now that the soft top and the South Texas climate has made it irrelevant. I'm towing it on a double axle car hauler with a 2015 Tundra but since that Tundra already gets horrible mileage with no weight being trailered behind it and I'm an overly cautious guy, I'll probably only be going as fast as seems comfortable even though the speed limit is 80mph for basically the entire IH-10 trip. I bet I won't have the cajones to push it over 70mph, if I get past 65... I won't only be contending with the speed generated wind since the area I'm traveling through is subject to really high winds and you never know if they're going to be behind you, in front of you or coming in broadside. Any suggestions for protecting the top from wind damage? Oh yeah and I included a couple of pics of my K5 for good measure since who doesn't like a Blazer pic?