Trouble with Patrick's Antique?
47 Chevy Thriftmaster with 411 rear end.
Ordered 355 kit from Patrick's on 4/18 and was told it would ship out in a week to 10 days. Called back 2 weeks later and was told that he was still waiting for 2 parts and it would ship by end of week. Called again 2 weeks later and was told he was having trouble with one of his suppliers, apologized and promised to light a fire under his butt..called again Tuesday and was told that only one supplier makes the thrust bushing and he was in the middle of changing shops and that Patrick's was looking into getting equipment to make in house. Another profuse apology and promised a call back by end of day.
No word since.
Is this normal? Has anyone had similar experiences with them? Does anyone else have that conversion kit?
Any feedback would be appreciated.