I'm just lookin for any unusual or funny stories about how you decied to buy the truck you did. Here's mine...
The truck I have now has been the only vehicle that I have owned, and that being said my parents were the ones to buy it for me. (16th birthday) my dad figured that he would buy it for me to use for a couple of years and then he could use it as a "farm truck" so naturally I agreed with him since I didn't think I would get hooked on this style of truck, so he bought it. So a few months passed and I was looking more into rims and a fibreglass roll pan ( both things that could be taken off and replaced with the bumper and rally rims when I give the truck up. After that was done I got really into things and the right moment arrived when I could finally do what I wanted to do with it, so I slammed it to the ground and shaved everything I could get my hands on. Now my dad had no choice but to give it to me since he couldn't open up the tailgated anymore and the 5" of ground clearence would exactly make for a good ride going through a field.