Originally Posted by richard2717
I already have these two sections cut and forgot to post them. They are from above the rear side windows on each side. One is about 37" and the other is about 39". I would need you to PM your shipping address for an exact quote but I am thinking it will be around $100-$125 for the 3rd door hinge post and one of these including shipping.
Richard the price is fine. Here is my complete list of needs
The B pillar like you already cut out, you can cut it for shipping between the upper hinge and the raised outside reveal between the 2 doors
The upper piece I need is above the front drivers or passenger doors, it needs to be pretty rust free. Alternatively I could use the same piece above the 3rd door, it shorter I think and has hole plugs in it.
I need the 2 3rd door lock swivel pieces, rods and clips, they transfer motion of the lock knob via rods from the front of the door to the latch at the rear.