From a death to a rebirth. My GMC 450's story
As I sit and write this I am coming to terms that a very good friend and co worker passed away this past Sunday. I went and visited his family today and was told by his wife and daughter that he has willed me a truck I have been pestering him to sell me for years. I do not know the trucks exact year yet but I do know its a 1955-1959 GMC 450. All thats left is a frame and all of the sheet metal. What I do know is that she is save able and will be restored /restomodded in his honor. My current plans are to bring it home, and to swap the body onto a newer c60/Topkick frame. Power will come from either a Cummins 6CTA8.3 or a Navistar DT. John Robison this one is for you.  [/URL]
Last edited by Okiefromwatonga; 05-19-2017 at 04:55 PM.