1957 Chevy 3600 Mild Custom Build
Been a lurker here using all the valuable information on this forum for about 2 years now, I feel that I have gotten far enough on my project that someone might want to look at it.
First off, I need to thank everyone who has helped me work on this truck so far. So many people have been massively inconvenienced and helped me out with time and resources because they know how much this truck means to me.
My grandfather was a massive Chevy truck collector his entire life. He primarily collected the 30's era cars and trucks, and even had an article written about his expansive collection called "The Great Idaho 1932 Treasure" in Generator and Distributor magazine. I would be willing to bet a large sum of money he has bought trucks from people on this forum multiple times. The trucks were always there on his lot when we visited, but I didn't actually realize the extent of his collection. When he passed away we suddenly had well over 50 vehicles to take care of and I ended up keeping this one, not really sure what I was going to be able to do with it. He had cars and trucks from 1932, Advance Design, Task Force, 60s and up, cars like Nova, Impala, Caprice, Camaro, and El Camino, and an assortment of Jeep and Dodge stuff that nobody knew what it was.
So after trucking it down to Southern California from Northern Washington on a trailer, I set about figuring out what I was going to do with it. Being 18 just about to start my first year in college while working certainly made it more difficult, but didn't dampen my excitement at all. Initially, I though i would just slap a 350 in it and drive it around. After 2 years on the project, I laugh when I think of that now. I'll start off with a picture of the truck on the trailer as we sat on the side of the highway for 8 hours with a blown wheel bearing that caught a tire on fire.
Last edited by RobinHood; 10-10-2017 at 02:03 AM.
Reason: Spelling