Testing Blower mtr resistor & relay
Tearing apart my dash and replacing AC hoses and control cables and am wondering if there is a way to test the blower motor relay and resister to determine if they are OK or if they need to be replaced. I will probably just replace them but would like to know if they can be tested to see if they are waisted or not......if they aren't shot, I'll keep them for backups. Not sure if this is possible though. Anybody know a way to test them? The compressor clutch switch is burnt all to hell so that will be replaced as well. Anything else I should do while I have the whole dash and ductwork apart? I'll also be replacing the glovebox and lubing up the doors inside the ductwork.. Thanks.
72 Chevy SWB Custom Deluxe K10, 350/SM465, PS, PB, Fact. Air
2000 Harley...Wide Glide