04-10-2018, 02:27 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Fawn Lodge, Ca.
Posts: 308
58 engine swap, six to eight...
Okay, the boss brought home a '58 one ton on Saturday. Well I should say she bought it and I drove it back to the ranch. Top speed on the trip about fifty, which I fully expected.
Is it possible to switch out this venerable six with a V8? I have a 350 with 4spd available in another truck. Would this be opening a can of worms and could I do the job in a day or three? She wants to use this for horse shows and I just can't see taking this down the freeway with a fully loaded trailer at only fifty. The Commercial truckers would run us over. But hey, we'd make really cool looking road-kill!
I love the bumper stickers. The old man was an unapologetic conservative and G.O.M. just like me. He lived on the same ranch all his life, till recently. This truck was his pride and joy.