Back into a C10! I've had my fair share of project C10's that never amounted to anything except piles of parts. Either way, my dad has always liked the 60-66 SWB/BBW. We work together offshore and found this truck on eBay one day killing time. Just happen to be in Louisiana a few hours from where we live. Sent the guy a message & shortly after a deposit to hold the truck till I got home. Luckily he was honest & held to his word, cool truck guy for sure.
Didn't waste any time tearing it down.
Plans for her... New QA1 coilover setup, disc brakes all around & LS/4L60 swap. Haven't decided on wheels yet, would love to set her on some Racelines, but with budget.. May go Coy C-5's, Coy C-33's or American Racing VN507 Rodders.