Quick and easy hubcap masking/restoration
OK, I got my wheels painted white on my old 72 C2500 which made the old caps look terrible ( Yes, I know. I am still looking for a nice set of GMC's I can afford!) . I was going to polish them and repaint the insets, but was dreading the taping. I read about guys using 1/8" tape, etc and it taking over an hour a wheel. I knew there must be an easier way. I found it!
I practiced on this old cap. I bought some cheap 2" masking tape and pealed off enough to cover one 'window'. I applied it and rand my finger around the edge of the 'window' to insure that it seated in the pressed edge fully.
I then took my sharp pocket knife and ran it around the pressed edge. It followed the edge perfectly. Then I just pealed the inset section out. VIOLA! perfect taping in about 10 seconds!
Obviously you have to repeat on all the sections you are restoring and mask off the other areas of the cap. Your cap may contain issues that make this less effective, but for me, it was quick, cheap, and easy!!!!
I hope this helps others!