Originally Posted by kdad
Actually I did find that keeping the hose on top of the attachment keeps the sand from getting water in there and messing things up. I picked up sand from Home depot. It is the medium sand that is cleaned and kiln dried. I was skeptical at first but within a minute I knew I was on to something with this little gadget. This thing stripped everything off the frame like it was nothing. After I blasted everything I washed it all down with just water out of the pressure washer. So nice to have everything stripped and clean. I then used a product called POR15 metal prep. It was unbelievable. washed it off and blew the area off with my blower to dry it. Came back a day later and everything was perfect. I cleaned it and painted it with rattle can.
Thanks for the info...POR 15 is some good stuff. Your frame looks really good.
I ordered the lil gadget ...not bad for 42.00 Ill do my frame once it gets back from the metal man. Cant wait to use this lil jewel...Thanks again for the info