What am I missing here? Reproduction '67 exterior door handles
This is probably the easiest question ever posted on the board, but wanted to run it by you guys to make sure I'm not nuts.
I have some replacement handles from Brothers for my ’67 c10 that I am just now getting around to getting installed since there’s snow on the ground and have a question about them.
It seems they line up with the holes in my door, but my original handles have straight tapped holes in the back and the two tapped holes in the replacements are drilled and tapped at an angle. The mounting surface is flat on my door instead of angled, so would lead to an un parallel mating surface also. Was there a change to these at some point, did I get a bad batch, or what am I missing here? I couldn't even get the bolts started in the holes.
***I looked around at others, and it looks like they are made the same way with angled tapped holes.
Thanks in advance! For the money ,the replacement handles look great, it just leaves me scratching my head on how to mount them up though. Attached are a few pictures of what I am talking about and my truck they’re going on.