Bellcrank z-bar issues. Cannot get it off!
Trying to remove clutch linkage. Cannot for the life of me get the bellcrank/zbar off. It moves somewhat between frame and motor but I cannot get enough lift. It goes about 3/4 the way and then pins against the ball mount on motor. I need to remove Both to rebuild/repair and to install headers that are on their way.
Clutch linkage is frankensteined together. I have no idea if it’s stock or correct (I assume not) 350 in i6 position. A previous repair/fab was done to bellcrank (welds look like a blindfolded 2 year old)
A piece was added to the frame mount (no idea why) and looks like lever to the fork pushrod either broke or was moved and re welded. Everything worked fine. But it needs to come off for header install. I would like to get it fitting properly.
Any advice on removal? What bellcrank does it look like? How can I fashion one that fits and works?