Won’t start. First time my truck has ever defeated me.
So today my carburetor was puking gas out from all over the place. I figured because the jets got clogged up from dirty gas. I probably havnt changed my gas filter since September. So I put in a new filter. She still won’t start.
So then I cracked up the carburetor and cleaned out the jet and the insides good. Still won’t start. Then I went as far as sucked out gas from the manifold with a siphon thinking that the motor got flooded. Got not start still.
Then I found the #4 and #6 spark plugs were wet.
Then I tried sucking out anything from the spark plug holes but no gas, so then I installed new spark plugs, AND STILL WONT START. I even tried spraying starting fluid and nothing. I have a 1961 235 that I’ve been driving around with no problems before. The carburetor is a single B Rochester. If anyone knows what might be wrong please help... I have a Petronix ignition upgrade and a new coil that are at least 4 months old, so I can’t believe it would be that..