Rag joint to u joint steering shaft
I was wondering if anyone thstbjas switched over to ujoints instead of the rag joint set up could tell me what i needed for the set up. I just recently replaced my steering gear box, everything is back together, unfortunately none of the parts stires carry the rag joint for my 1972 gmc k2500, they would have to special order it and from what i have seen it would cost about half of what it would to just upgrade it to u joints.
If you could let me know what parts you used on your set up (if you like it ) thst would be awesome. Amazon has some shafts that say would fit my truck but requires me cutting it to fit ( which is fine if that is my only option) i dont have tilt steering but i will towards the end of summer, not sure if that will change my set up and purchase options or not. I just need to know what parts and everything it will be replacing. I am assuming in the picture it will be replacing everything from where the old rag joint is, all the way up to where the top cinch bolt is. There is a spring attached above that which i am guessing is used to take some of the stress off in bumpy conditions. It seems like everything from that top cinch bolt will stay, right? Any help and guidance would be great. Thank you.