Steering Loose After Seal Replacement
I replaced the input shaft seal on my steering gear this weekend and I jacked something up. My steps were: 1. Drop Column, 2. Unbolt/remove rag joint, 3. Remove lock nut on Steering Gear, 4. Measure cartridge and remove, 5. Replace seals, 6. Reintstall cartridge to same # of threads, 7. Reinstall locknut, rag joint, and column.
My wheel always had a "dead space" form ~ 10 to 1:30 where you could turn the steering wheel and the truck didn't respond. Now the "dead space" has shifted from ~ 9 to 12:30 so if you turn the wheel right, the truck goes right but you have to turn it left for a while (~9) before the truck turns left. I have 2 issues to resolve, (1) it seems I have turned something (I don't know how as the rag joint seems as it will only go on one way) to shift the deadspace so now when I drive the steering wheel instead of at 12, I run at 10:30 or so and (2) need something tightened up to get rid of the deadspace (perhaps tightening the cartridge up?). Thanks for any help.