Converting from 318 to 326.. Need shifter rods
Yep, I have a SM318 that is popping out of 3 gear under load.. I also have a 326 Muncie from a '69 Chevy truck that was behind a 350.. Got the trans and driveshaft w/yoke from the guy who said it was working great, just wanted a 4 speed. What I need is the rods that will connect it to the column. I know you fellas convert these to floor shift or remove them to put in better 4 speed transmissions but I just want to leave mine on the column.. Anybody have some rods and hardware they want to donate to my project? I'll certainly pay the S&H to Charlotte NC 28216..
Last edited by LockDoc; 12-09-2020 at 11:00 PM.
Reason: Can't post a WTB