Weird, Quirky Blazer fasteners
I have finally found one of the bags of Blazer parts I have been looking for since we last moved (3 years ago). When I had plenty of shop space I kept a small container to hold desirable but mismatched parts. Pictures are of one of the bags I packed away. Most of you will immediately recognize these old pieces. The question I have is around the hatch strut fasteners in the front row. I know the ones in front on the right are the correct strut fasteners. The bolts to the left of those are ones that were removed with the struts from the Blazer side. The question is: Should all 8 of those bolts match, or did the Blazer side have different bolts. My gut feel is they should all match, but it has been a while. Let me know what you think. Oh, and one old Barlow knife to show scale and because I like old knives!
PS this is not a want to sell post!